Jan 4, 2021

Back to The Future . . .?

I know that all of you are bemoaning the fact I did not make a calendar this year . . . But before you consign my beautiful artist's calendar 2019/2020 to the bin, WAIT! I know a minority are making the best of things and using a scissors, are about to chop up their Mary Duffy calendar and stick some pictures in a frame. The rest of you may have already chucked it in the recycling bin. The readers of this blog are geniuses obviously. And one, John Baker, contacted me with his idea. He simply stuck "January 2021" over Nov 2020 in and attempt to go backwards in time. Nice try, John . . . . It is not great for dates, but it is fabulous because it gave me a rather good idea. The main urgency now is to reach deep, deep into your recycling bin, and pull out your old calendar. Print out the attached pdf and stick it over January 2019. Hey Presto! we get to go back to the future, t
ogether. See my attempt to the right. It looks rather good. And unlike John Baker's, this adjustment includes real 2021 dates and so will actually work as a calendar until the end of 2023. Thank you John Baker. You are a genius and obviously worthy of the title of Emeritus Professor at UCD Dublin (my old Alma Mater). As we are enduring another Lockdown together with all other islanders here on the edge of Europe, times are indeed challenging. Every little helps. Thank you John Baker, (genius). The plan is to work on doing decent images that you can print A4 and stick over the next 23 months (as we go along).

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life as an artist

I write about life as an artist and the challenges that this choice presents. I was born without arms in 1961 and this makes my painting demanding, my life stimulating and my choices complex. I like it like this.