An open studio is something of a tradition that got interrupted by Covid. It began well over 10 years ago to give readers of this newsletter like you an opportunity to visit my studio workspace and have a relaxed chat and a look at some paintings. This open studio is not about selling paintings, (although if you want to buy that will be possible). It's about slowing down and having time. There will also be some cards in boxes available and you can pick up a special edition boxes.
If you are faraway and feeling a bit left out, tell me now and I will set up a zoom link to the event so that you can join in
If you are planning to come you might like to arrive a bit earlier and enjoy the surrounding area. For example, you could walk on the beach at Six Mile Point or gaze at the Arctic geese and other birdlife in The Goosefield at the neighbouring East Coast Nature Reserve. If you plan to go to the Reserve, good footwear is recommended, I mean wellies. And waterproofs everywhere else as rain is expected.
And if you worry about these things, just know that you can wear whatever you like, although it is appreciated off you take your shoes off in the house (but if its a bother for you, this is not essential). You can drop in for 5 mins or stay as long as you like.