Feb 18, 2017

Floving . . the way forward

I have an exciting piece of news. It is in fact for me the MOST EXCITING THING EVER. I am experimenting with new media, Cold Wax. It is a really mucky business.  Really mucky.  What has really helped are things I am now calling "floves" . . which are really really terribly ugly but also by far the best thing  to happen to me since  . . . well since screw cap wine became the norm. These floves are disposable gloves for my feet. My experimental painting rate has shot up now that I not longer need half an hour to clean up after painting with cold wax for 15 minutes.  But more about them at a later date. Yes, Floves. The Way Forward. Now it's time to feed the cat . . 

life as an artist

I write about life as an artist and the challenges that this choice presents. I was born without arms in 1961 and this makes my painting demanding, my life stimulating and my choices complex. I like it like this.